

The eligibility criteria for statutory positions, including the competency requirements to be met before a person may be appointed to a position, are listed in regulations 675ZI(1) for site senior executive and 675ZM(1) for exploration manager, and Schedule 26 of the Work Health and Safety (Mines)...
Statutory positions
Part 10.7A of the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022 [WHS (Mines) Regulations] prescribes positions in relation to mines. These statutory positions are appointed by the mine operator to carry out specific functions in relation to the operations of a mine. Statutory positions are...
Statutory positions
Monthly status reports for mining operations for periods prior to March 31 2022 must be submitted using online using the Safety Regulation System (SRS). Reporting monthly safety performance information (status report) for mining operations provides further details on: What is reported? Who is...
Mining quarterly reports and mining levy
The Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022 (WHS Mines Regulations) require the mine operator to give the regulator a work health and safety report each quarter; this replaces the monthly status report forms (MSRF) that were previously submitted to the Department. The quarterly report is to...
Mining quarterly reports and mining levy
Each mine operator must submit a health and safety report each quarter (quarterly report) to the regulator to meet the requirements of regulation 675W. The quarterly reports need to be submitted as soon as practicable after each quarter but no later than 15 days after the end of each quarter. The...
Mining quarterly reports and mining levy
The Work Health and Safety Excellence Awards were held at the State Reception Centre on 28 October 2022. These award recognise outstanding solutions and innovations to specific workplace health and safety problems in Western Australia. This year 71 submissions were received with 36 companies...
Work Safety Awards
A 'notifiable incident' means: the death of a person; or a serious injury or illness of a person; or a dangerous incident . Need to report a notifiable incident? Preserve the site and contact WorkSafe immediately . The Work Health and Safety Act 2020 introduced the term ‘person conducting a...
Report an incident
Mines and mine sites have an additional reporting requirement to notify ‘reportable incidents’. A ‘reportable incident’ for mining operations is an unplanned event or situation that results in, or has the potential to result in, injury, ill health, damage or loss. An incident should first be...
Report an incident
If a ‘dangerous incident’ arises through the conduct of a business or undertaking the regulator must be notified immediately. Where the dangerous incident is currently life-threatening, the PCBU should ensure the regulator is notified by calling 1800 678 198 (24 hours). Where the dangerous incident...
Report an incident
When asbestos is found in soil, it is usually as a result of: inadequate asbestos removal work or demolition degradation of a building or structure on site legacy or recent illegal dumping waste burial past use of contaminated fill/top soil. Asbestos in soil poses a risk to the health of workers if...


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