Health and safety representative


Hepatitis B is an infectious disease that is commonly transmitted through blood to blood contact. It is a virus that can slowly damage the liver over many years and is potentially life threatening. What are the signs and symptoms of Hepatitis B? Many people with Hepatitis B are unaware of their...
Diseases and health
This page lists resources related to working with forklifts. Key information resources Guidance note - Working safely with forklifts Forklift safety Reducing the risk Checklist for forklifts Forklift frequently asked questions Important information for forklift operators in Western Australia...
'Cancer' is a term for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control. The term cancer covers a range of different diseases. There are a number of well-known sets of circumstances which have demonstrated the link between some occupational exposures and some types of cancer. The...
Diseases and health
This guide explains what your duties are for monitoring the health of your workers under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (the WHS Act), Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations 2022 and Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022 (the WHS Regulations). WorkSafe is the regulator for WHS...
How to contact our translation service in several languages.
About WorkSafe
Regulations require LP Gas cylinders be inspected and tested every ten (10) years. Filling damaged or out-of-test date cylinders is illegal and can be dangerous. LP Gas cylinders out-of-test date must not be filled until tested and re-stamped by an approved gas cylinder test station. The approved...
Gas installations
A national recall is being coordinated by a taskforce chaired by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). Building and Energy and Consumer Protection are working with the taskforce as the WA regulators. The sub-standard cables, imported by Infinity Cable Co Pty Ltd (in liquidation...
Electrical installations
What is carbon monoxide? Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless, poisonous gas which may be produced by faulty, poorly maintained or misused gas appliances. You may not know you have been exposed to potentially fatal levels of carbon monoxide until the symptoms of poisoning become severe...
Gas appliances
Check out WorkSafe’s range of videos. These videos are free to view and can be used by workplaces, people who are studying safety and health and for training and teaching purposes. General information Hazard awareness Managing the risk of falls at workplaces: Running time: 13:05 mins Falling from...
The purpose of this information is to provide users of flue-less gas space heaters with guidance on their safe use. What is a flue-less gas space heater? A flue-less gas space heater is a gas appliance that does not have a flue to collect and exhaust to an outside area, the products of combustion...
Gas appliances



Note: The Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety's investigation is ongoing. Information contained in the safety alert is based on findings at the time of writing. On 29 October...
04 Dec 2023
On 11 January 2021, the Department received a report of an incident at a mine site where an electronic cigarette (vape) battery spontaneously ignited in a worker’s pocket while he was travelling in a...
23 Feb 2021
Employers are required to ensure that where fitted respirators are required to protect health, these are correctly fitted. Examples of fitted respirators (also called respiratory protective equipment...
15 Jan 2021
The Digital DMIRS Strategy seeks to improve the department’s operations and service delivery through the effective use of technology. Some goals of the strategy are to modernise digital systems and...
23 Dec 2020
In March 2020, a young worker was assaulted during a robbery by three males at a 24-hour service station. The worker was new to the job and was working alone for the duration of the night shift. At...
17 Sep 2020
This document provides contact details for asbestos regulators and information sources.
17 Aug 2020
In early March 2020, a demolition team was taking down a large industrial unit. The team had removed fire suppression pipework from the roof and collected portable fire extinguishers from around the...
06 Aug 2020
This strategic plan sets out realistic goals for the Commission for Occupational Safety and Health to achieve over the next three years.
24 Jun 2020
The WorkSafe mental health and wellbeing inspectors have developed a series of resources on workplace mental health and wellbeing. The concepts presented may assist workplaces to discuss, consult,...
04 Dec 2023
WorkSafe has identified instances where demolition work was conducted without first removing asbestos-containing materials. Recently, workers may have been exposed to asbestos while carrying out...
04 Dec 2023


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