
Showing 1401 - 1425 of 1691 results
Form last updated 6 July 2020 Who needs to complete this form? Real estate and business agents who did not receive any trust funds for the audit period may be required to lodge this declaration with...
Consumer Protection
Form – notification
06 Jul 2020
2 July 2020 COVID-19 and section 19 (remedial) notices It’s important for tenants to know the difference between a section 19 (remedial) and section 14 (rent default) notice. This eBulletin explains...
Consumer Protection
02 Jul 2020
3 July 2020 COVID-19 and section 19 (remedial) notices It’s important to know the difference between a section 19 (remedial) and section 14 (rent default) notice. This eBulletin explains section 19 (...
Consumer Protection
02 Jul 2020
29 June 2020 It’s important to know the difference between a remedial and rent default notice. This eBulletin explains remedial notices and when to use them. Next week’s will focus on rent default...
Consumer Protection
02 Jul 2020
Building and Energy
Discussion paper
01 Jul 2020
Consultation status: CLOSED Submissions closed at 5pm on 30 June 2020. Does the Residential Tenancies Act (the RTA) balance tenant and landlord rights and reponsibilities fairly? Possible options...
Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
01 Jul 2020
Consultation status: CLOSED Submissions closed at 5pm on 30 June 2020. Is there a better way to resolve tenancy disputes than going to court? Possible options Offer mediation as a first option. Allow...
Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
01 Jul 2020
Consultation status: CLOSED Submissions closed at 5pm on 30 June 2020. Should claims on the bond be made easier for landlords and tenants? Possible options Allow either the landlord or the tenant to...
Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
01 Jul 2020
Consultation status: CLOSED Submissions closed at 5pm on 30 June 2020. Should a landlord be allowed to sell or donate abandoned goods? Possible option Allow a landlord to sell or donate abandoned...
Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
01 Jul 2020
Consultation status: CLOSED Submissions closed at 5pm on 30 June 2020. Should a tenant be allowed to terminate a fixed term tenancy agreement? Possible options Allow a tenant to end a fixed term...
Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
01 Jul 2020
Consultation status: CLOSED Submissions closed at 5pm on 30 June 2020. Should the landlord be allowed to terminate a periodic tenancy agreement if the status of the tenant or the landlord changes?...
Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
01 Jul 2020
Consultation status: CLOSED Submissions closed at 5pm on 30 June 2020. Should "no grounds" terminations by landlords be removed from the Residential Tenancies Act (the RTA)? Possible options No...
Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
01 Jul 2020
Consultation status: CLOSED Submissions closed at 5pm on 30 June 2020. Should a tenant be allowed to make certain changes to the property without a landlord's permission? Possible options Allow the...
Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
01 Jul 2020
Consultation status: CLOSED Submissions closed at 5pm on 30 June 2020. Does the law about keeping pets in rental premises need to be changed? Possible options Allow a landlord to refuse only where...
Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
01 Jul 2020
Consultation status: CLOSED Submissions closed at 5pm on 30 June 2020. How do we ensure landlords do repairs and maintenance to their property? Possible options Require all landlords to lodge a...
Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
01 Jul 2020
Consultation status: CLOSED Submissions closed at 5pm on 30 June 2020. Should there be a change to how often rent can be increased? Should rent increases be capped? Possible options Limit rent...
Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
01 Jul 2020
Consultation status: CLOSED Submissions closed at 5pm on 30 June 2020. Should all landlords be required to register with Consumer Protection? Possible options Introduce a compulsory register of all...
Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
01 Jul 2020
Consultation status: CLOSED Submissions closed at 5pm on 30 June 2020. How can we encourage landlords to offer tenants longer leases? Possible options Educate and encourage landlords to offer longer...
Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
01 Jul 2020
Consultation status: CLOSED Submissions closed at 5pm on 30 June 2020. Should a landlord have to give certain information to a tenant before a tenancy agreement is signed? Possible options Educate...
Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
01 Jul 2020
Consultation status: CLOSED Submissions closed at 5pm on 30 June 2020. Should the Residential Tenancies Act safeguard a tenant's privacy? Possible options Educate landlords on best practice for...
Consumer Protection
Consultations / public comment
01 Jul 2020
Who needs to use this This form should be used to voluntarily cancel an existing charitable collections licence. This form is not to be used by organisations moving from one legal structure to...
Consumer Protection
Form – notification
01 Jul 2020
These guidelines have been developed for organisations seeking accreditation of introductory courses for safety and health representatives.
Guide / handbook
29 Jun 2020
20 May 2019 Scammers can hack property transaction emails Your clients are ready to finalise the settlement of a house purchase. They receive an email from your agency advising of new deposit bank...
Consumer Protection
29 Jun 2020
20 November 2019 Recently a scammer posed as a settlement agent and managed to convince two clients of a settlement agent to transfer $48,000 and $22,000 respectively to the scammer’s bank account on...
Consumer Protection
29 Jun 2020
20 November 2019 Recently a scammer posed as a settlement agent and managed to convince two clients of a settlement agent to transfer $48,000 and $22,000 respectively to the scammer’s bank account on...
Consumer Protection
29 Jun 2020
