Scams, ripoffs and frauds are becoming more and more commonplace. Consumer Protection has developed WA ScamNet as one method of combatting this ever increasing problem. How to spot a scam There are so many types of scams out in the community, it can be very hard to identify what is legitimate and...
Safety in and around a rental property is the responsibility of both the landlord and tenant. Landlord’s responsibility Landlords must ensure the rental premises are safe to live in. Under common law, a landlord has a duty of care to tenants as well as anyone the tenant invites into the property...
Security, safety, maintenance and entry rights
Blind and curtain cords or chains are a significant risk to children, as unsecured cords can lead to strangulation. There are simple steps you can take when installing blinds or curtains and preparing a child's sleep area to make sure it's safe from these hazards. When you buy Choose blinds and...
Home safety
It's always exciting to grab a bargain at a sale, but it is a good idea to follow some simple rules so you don't end up wasting your money. Budget and spend sensibly Impulse buying can leave you out of pocket and stuck with unwanted goods. Stop and consider if you really need it. Shop around As a...
Your consumer rights
Wearing sunglasses with the appropriate level of protection, can help prevent serious damage to your eyes including cataracts and eye cancers. However, some sunglasses can create a hazard by impairing vision. For example, sunglasses with category 4 protection offer a very high level of glare...
Product safety for consumers
A simple guide to help you understand your rights as a consumer.
Consumer Protection
11 Apr 2022
Once the hazards have been identified and their associated risks assessed, the next step is to consider: If the hazards can be removed altogether, and if not How the risks can be controlled so as to minimise harm? The strategy recommending how to control risks in the order of effectiveness is...
Follow these four basic steps to get started
Once the hazards have been identified, the risk need to be assessed. This include determining: Who will be affected and how? How severe is the harm likely to be? (extreme, high, moderate, and low). How likely is it to happen? (very likely, likely, moderate, unlikely and rare). Remember that your...
Follow these four basic steps to get started
Private overhead power poles lines Power poles and overhead lines which transport electricity from your main switchboard and meter to your home or other buildings are private power poles and lines...
Building and Energy
16 May 2023
Consumers with a disability – be on guard against scammers trying to take advantage of you. Consumer Protection is warning consumers with a disability to be on guard against scams – unfortunately, scammers target people whom they think may be vulnerable to try and take advantage of them. Some...
People with disability


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