This policy provides the criteria the Electrical Licensing Board require to be met for an Electrical Contractor's Licence to be issued.
Building and Energy
22 Oct 2021
The following FuelWatch logos are provided for use by industry and media in accordance with the relevant Consumer protection style guide. If you need an alternative format, eg. EPS, please contact CP...
Consumer Protection
Guide / handbook
14 Oct 2021
Safe Work Month campaign materials have been created for workplaces to download and use to promote and raise awareness for Safe Work Month.
Safe Work Month 2023 - Twitter
Safe Work Month 2023 - Twitter, by Department of Mines, Department of Mines Industry Regulation and Safety - Worksafe
Safe Work Month 2023...
08 Sep 2023
This publication provides information on which dates are observed as the public holidays for employers and employees covered by key WA awards. For other WA awards, view the award on the WA Industrial...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
01 Oct 2021
Changes to pre-estimated liquidated damages From 1 January 2022, the maximum amount of pre-estimated liquidated damages that a dealer may charge is five per cent. Information for dealers about the...
Consumer Protection
04 Jan 2022
Action Plan for Reform An Action Plan for reform to introduce better payment protections for all participants in the Western Australian building and construction industry was released by the Minister...
Building and Energy
28 Jul 2022
This briefing is for 2021 participants in the Universities UN Sustainable Development Goals Challenge. This document explains the two systems of industrial relations in Western Australia, provides...
Labour Relations
Fact sheet
21 Sep 2021
Building and Energy has published a draft Code of Conduct for building surveyors for your information and comment. The code sets out minimum expectations of registered building surveyors undertaking building surveying work in Western Australia (WA). It’s based on the Australian Building Codes Board’s national model code of conduct for building surveyors.
Building and Energy
Code of conduct
17 Sep 2021
Current version of the Notice of cessation – Multiple properties (building work) form.
Building and Energy
Form – application
02 Sep 2021
This bulletin is intended to provide guidance on using the correct edition of referenced documents as listed in Schedule 4 of the National Construction Code (NCC). It also provides comment on the use of referenced documents published outside of the NCC amendment cycles.
Building and Energy
07 Oct 2021


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