This code of practice provides practical guidance on how to prepare safety data sheets for hazardous chemicals that are being manufactured or imported for use, handling or storage in Australia.
Code of practice
15 Jul 2022
This code of practice provides practical guidance on how to manage health and safety risks associated with workplace noise.
Code of practice
06 Sep 2023
This Code applies to all workplaces covered by the WHS Act and provides practical guidance on how to manage health and safety.
19 Jul 2022
This Code applies to all workplaces covered by the WHS Act where hazardous manual tasks are carried out and provides practical guidance to PCBUs on how to manage health and safety risks associated...
Code of practice
14 Jul 2022
This Code applies to all workplaces covered by the WHS Act where demolition work is carried out and where demolition work products and equipment are used and stored. Persons who have duties in...
Code of practice
13 Jan 2023
This Code applies to all workplaces covered by the WHS Act where construction work is carried out and where construction work products and equipment are used and stored.
Code of practice
06 Jul 2023
The department has translated Information sheet The health and safety duty of an officer in different languages. Who is an officer? Having the word ‘officer’ in your work title is not what makes...
18 Apr 2024
The department has translated the Information sheet Volunteer organisation in different languages. Do volunteer organisations have duties under the WHS Act? If a volunteer organisation (or a...
14 Jul 2022
The department has translated the Information sheet PCBU responsibilities in different languages What is a business or undertaking Whether an organisation is a business or undertaking will depend on...
14 Jul 2022
The department has translated Information sheet Discrimination, coercion and misleading conduct in relation to WHS matters in different languages. The Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WHS Act)...
14 Jul 2022


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