Building Commission Industry Bulletins are published to provide regular updates on legislative requirements for the building industry of Western Australia.
Building and Energy
20 May 2014
Building Commission Industry Bulletins are published to provide regular updates on legislative requirements for the building industry of Western Australia.
Building and Energy
20 May 2014
Building Commission Industry Bulletins are published to provide regular updates on legislative requirements for the building industry of Western Australia.
Building and Energy
20 May 2014
Building Commission Industry Bulletins are published to provide regular updates on legislative requirements for the building industry of Western Australia.
Building and Energy
20 May 2014
With the increasing demand on our drinking water supply, the necessity to conserve water in our drying climate and the requirement to comply with the 2003 edition of the plumbing standards AS/NZS...
Building and Energy
Technical standards
22 May 2014
Boundary traps perform a vital role in sewerage networks protecting the main drains of private properties and the community from harmful sewer gases.
Building and Energy
Technical standards
22 May 2014
This technical nte has been issued to alert the plumbing industry and stakeholders to acceptable methods for the termination of waste water drains from evaporative airconditioners.
Building and Energy
Technical standards
22 May 2014
This technical note has been developed to assist the plumbing industry in Western Australia to comply with the prescribed plumbing standards and requirements for thermal insulation of heated water...
Building and Energy
Technical standards
01 Aug 2019
The purpose of this technical note is to assist the plumbing industry to comply with the prescribed plumbing standards and manufacturer’s installation instructions when installing braided flexible...
Building and Energy
Technical standards
22 May 2014
The purpose of this technical note is to provide advice to the plumbing industry and stakeholders on the compliance requirements, functions and benefits of the national certification scheme for...
Building and Energy
Technical standards
22 May 2014


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