Unsolicited consumer agreements - Door to door sales consultation 2013

Consultation on unsolicited consumer agreements (Door to door sales)

Status: Closed 26 July 2013.

Comments were sought on a proposal to amend the Australian Consumer Law (WA) to vary permitted calling hours for unsolicited consumer agreements – also known as door to door sales in 2013.

The rationale for the proposed change was to bring Western Australia’s permitted calling hours into line with other Australian States and Territories.

What is an unsolicited consumer agreement?

An agreement for the supply of goods or services is unsolicited when:

  • a supplier, their salesperson or dealer approaches or telephones a consumer without invitation from the consumer;
  • it results from negotiations by telephone or at a location other than the supplier’s premises; and
  • the total value of the goods or services is more than $100, or the value was not established when the agreement was made.

For example, unsolicited consumer agreements may result from:

  • door-knocking households to sell goods or services, or to ask consumers to switch to a different service provider;
  • telephoning consumers to sell goods or services; and
  • approaching consumers in the common area of a shopping centre to sell goods or services.

Requests for donations to charity are not considered to be unsolicited consumer agreements as they do not involve a supply of goods or services to a consumer.

Further information can be found on our unsolicited consumer agreements pages or in Chapter 2 of the “Sales practices” guide.

The proposed change would mean salespersons would only be able to call upon consumers up until 6pm on weeknights. Weekend calling hours are to remain the same.

Calling hours

*Note: the law passed and the hours were changed:

Days/Calling hours Pre-consultation Changed
Monday to Friday 9am until 8pm 9am until 6pm
Saturday 9am until 5pm unchanged
Sunday prohibited unchanged


Enquiries and more information

Can be made by calling Consumer Protection's Advice Line on 1300 304 054 or by email.

For more informaiton about our current laws visit the door to door sales pages. 

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