
Showing 1 - 25 of 140 results
New statistics have shown Western Australian workers have a much lower chance of being fatally injured at work in 2024 than they did 34 years ago. When the increase in WA workforce numbers is taken into account, a worker’s risk of being fatally injured fell by 83 percent between 1988/89 and 2022/23. In 1988/89, WA recorded 49.5 fatalities per million workers. By 2022/23, this number had reduced...
Media release
15 May 2024
WorkSafe has initiated the first four prosecutions under the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 , which came into effect in March 2022. Wesbeam Pty Ltd, a manufacturer of engineered wood product, has been charged with failing in its duty while in control of plant and consequently causing serious harm to an individual. WorkSafe will allege that in April 2022, an operator at Wesbeam’s Neerabup factory...
Media release
13 May 2024
Two fatal incidents in WA workplaces this week have prompted a reminder from WorkSafe to review safety procedures associated with mobile plant. WorkSafe is investigating both incidents to identify whether any breaches of work health and safety laws have occurred and to determine the causes of the incidents. Acting WorkSafe Commissioner Sally North today advised relevant persons in control of a...
Media release
09 Apr 2024
WorkSafe has commenced a proactive inspection program to look at site security issues on WA construction sites. The inspection program will look at a number of randomly-selected sites across metropolitan and regional areas of the State throughout the 2024/25 financial year. There have been incidents in which construction sites have been accessed by unauthorised persons, exposing them to serious...
Media release
09 Apr 2024
WorkSafe is extending the transition period to complete the mining statutory position certification from 30 March 2025 to 30 March 2026. Under the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations, statutory positions carry out specific functions at mining operations. They are classified into several categories, with different functions and obligations, levels of knowledge, experience, and formal...
Media release
14 Mar 2024
With Ex-TC Lincoln threatening the N-W coast, businesses in the affected area have been reminded to ensure that cyclone contingency plans have been established and are in operation. The Bureau of Meteorology expects the system to move out to sea, and there is a high chance it will re-intensify as a cyclone and track towards the west Pilbara coast this weekend. Acting WorkSafe Commissioner Sally...
Media release
22 Feb 2024
WorkSafe has called on employers and workers to consider all the precautions they should take when work is being undertaken in remote areas. Workers who regularly travel to remote areas of the State include tour operators and workers involved in supervising various recreational activities, mining workers such as prospectors and geologists, truck drivers and some farmers. Acting WorkSafe...
Media release
25 Jan 2024
A transport company has been prosecuted by WorkSafe over an incident that left a worker with serious and permanent leg injuries. Toll Transport Pty Ltd has been charged with failing to provide and maintain a safe workplace and, by that failure, causing serious harm to an employee. The company was also charged with failing to ensure that the movement and speed of vehicles and plant at the...
Media release
24 Jan 2024
The WorkSafe Mines Safety inspectorate has identified a trend of mine operators with a poor understanding of the requirement to develop a mine safety management system (MSMS), and mines that have not adequately implemented the MSMS. Current expectations for all mines All mines were required to have a fully-developed MSMS by 31 March 2023. All required site-specific documentation, risk assessments...
Department News
08 Jan 2024
Common causes of injury to workers in mining are missteps and falls when stepping out of large trucks and other plant.  Under the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulations 2022, duty holders need to manage the risk of falls at mining workplaces, and this can only be done by considering all the factors which can lead to a potential fall risk. Other than the design of steps, accessibility of grab...
Department News
02 Jan 2024
The WorkSafe Mines Safety inspectorate has identified a concerning number of notifiable incidents where the site has not been preserved as required by the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 section 39(1). What is a notifiable incident? A 'notifiable incident' is: the death of a person, a serious injury or illness , or a dangerous incident . arising out of the conduct of a business or undertaking at...
Department News
02 Jan 2024
A crane hire company has been fined $12,000 at a retrial for failing to ensure the required number of people were involved in the use of their crane at a construction site. Halifax Crane Hire Pty Ltd was found guilty of breaching the now-repealed Occupational Safety and Health Regulation dealing with the number of people required to be involved in the use of cranes, and was fined in the Bunbury...
Media release
18 Dec 2023
WorkSafe’s prosecution of Fortescue over failing to supply documents and answer questions is to be discontinued, with an Enforceable Undertaking agreed to by both parties. Acting WorkSafe Commissioner Sally North has accepted an undertaking by Fortescue to deliver wide-ranging strategies to address inappropriate workplace behaviours in the mining industry. An Enforceable Undertaking is an...
Media release
18 Dec 2023
A cardboard box company in O’Connor has been fined $275,000 (and ordered to pay $8500 in costs) over an incident in which a worker had parts of two fingers severed. Visy Board Pty Ltd pleaded guilty to failing to provide and maintain a safe work environment and was fined in the Fremantle Magistrates Court yesterday. Visy Board operates a cardboard box factory in O’Connor that produces cardboard...
Media release
08 Nov 2023
A company that owns a vegetable farm and packing facility in Mandogalup has been fined $15,000 over an incident in which a worker’s arm was injured when it was trapped in a conveyor belt. Ellement Bros Pty Ltd (trading as Ellement Produce) pleaded guilty to failing to ensure that dangerous parts of a machine were securely guarded and was fined in the Perth Magistrates Court on Monday. In May 2019...
Media release
02 Nov 2023
The seven winners of the Work Health and Safety Excellence Awards 2023 were announced at Optus Stadium this morning. The prestigious Awards recognise outstanding innovations and solutions to specific workplace health and safety issues by individuals, groups or organisations. This year’s winners are: Work health and safety invention of the year – Wallis Drilling Pty Ltd for the Aircore automated...
Media release
27 Oct 2023
WorkSafe has laid charges against two companies after a worker died after falling around 20 metres from a roof under construction at Curtin University in 2020. Steel fabrication company Elsdon Pty Ltd has been charged, being an employer, with failing to ensure the safety and health of persons not being their employees and, by that failure, causing the death of Jonathan Hartshorn and serious harm...
Media release
12 Oct 2023
WorkSafe is investigating the work-related death of a 22-year-old worker on a farming property in the Shire of Dandaragan, north of Perth, on Wednesday. She was reported to have been mustering cattle on a quad bike when the bike rolled, causing fatal injuries. WorkSafe investigators examine the circumstances of incidents with a view to ensuring compliance and preventing future incidents of a...
Media release
09 Oct 2023
WorkSafe is investigating the work-related death of a worker at a steel manufacturing company in Jandakot yesterday. The worker was reported to have been fatally injured when struck by a steel beam. WorkSafe investigators examine the circumstances of incidents with a view to ensuring compliance and preventing future incidents of a similar nature. WorkSafe Commissioner Darren Kavanagh said any...
Media release
14 Sep 2023
A sole trader in the Great Southern has been fined $47,250 (and ordered to pay $4241 in costs) over a fall suffered by a worker that caused serious injuries. Brett Sidney Cavanagh pleaded guilty to failing to provide and maintain a safe work environment and, by that failure, causing serious harm to an employee and was fined in the Katanning Magistrates Court on Monday. In August 2020, Mr Cavanagh...
Media release
07 Sep 2023
A fire assay company has been fined a total of $30,000 (and ordered to pay $5647 in costs) after four workers recorded high levels of lead in their blood and one was hospitalised. Jinning Pty Ltd pleaded guilty under the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996 to two charges of failing to ensure that biological monitoring was conducted on an employee in a lead-risk job, along with two...
Media release
29 Aug 2023
WorkSafe has commenced a proactive inspection program to look at safety issues in WA aged care and residential care facilities. The inspection program will look at a number of randomly-selected facilities across metropolitan and regional areas of the State throughout the 2023/24 financial year. Inspectors will place a strong emphasis on industry-specific hazards, along with workplace violence and...
Media release
24 Aug 2023
The Work Health and Safety Regulations Amendment Regulation (no.2) 2023 came into effect on 10 August 2023 and provide for minor corrections and technical refinements. These amendments include: Work Health and Safety (General) Regulations The requirement for a high risk work licence for earthmoving machinery used as a crane will be removed for machinery that has a safe rated working load of three...
Department News
16 Aug 2023
The Work Health and Safety Commission is seeking public comment on a new draft code of practice on managing electrical risks in the workplace. The purpose of the code is to help a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) to manage electrical risks in the workplace, and it applies to all workplaces where a PCBU has management or control of electrical equipment, including electrical...
Media release
11 Aug 2023
A construction company has been fined $600,000 over serious injuries suffered by two workers at a construction site on Rottnest Island. Firm Construction Pty Ltd pleaded guilty to failing to provide and maintain a safe work environment and, by that failure, causing serious harm to the two workers, and was fined in the Perth Magistrates Court on Monday. In February 2020, workers employed by...
Media release
06 Jul 2023
