Work Health and Safety Commission

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The Commission is a tripartite body made up of employee, employer and government representatives as well as work health and safety experts.

What is the Work Health and Safety Commission?

The Work Health and Safety Commission (previously known as the Commission for Occupational Safety and Health) consists of employers, employees and government representatives and people with expertise and knowledge in work health and safety matters. The Commission: 

  • is the peak consultative forum on work health and safety in Western Australia; and 
  • liaises with WorkSafe, a division of the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety that administers and enforces work health and safety laws in Western Australia. 

Who is on the Commission?

  • an independent chair nominated by the Minister; 
  • the WorkSafe Western Australia Commissioner; 
  • two officers of the Public Service nominated by the Minister responsible for the administration of the Work Health and Safety Act (2020), one of whom has knowledge of, and experience in, the mining industry  
  • two members nominated by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA; 
  • three members nominated by UnionsWA, one of whom must have knowledge and experience in the mining industry;
  • three members nominated by the Minister with expertise and knowledge of matters relating to work health and safety,.
  • one member nominated by the Chamber of Minerals and Energy WA; 

Current membership 

  • Dr Patricia Todd (Chair)
  • Ms Sally North (Deputy Chair, Worksafe Commissioner)
  • Dr Matthew Govorko (Expert member)
  • Dr Lin Fritschi (Expert member)
  • Ms Tracey Bence (Expert member)
  • Mrs Agnes McKay (Industry member)
  • Ms Michelle Gadellaa (Industry member)
  • Ms Jennifer Low  (Industry member)
  • Ms Naomi McCrae (Union member)
  • Mr Glenn McLaren (Union member)
  • Mr Owen Whittle (Union member)
  • Director WorkSafe Mines Safety (Government member)


The Commission meets each month except in January.  Minutes of Commission meetings are publicly available once they are confirmed (generally within six weeks).  Hard copies are available at the WorkSafe library and in electronic format (limited to the previous 12 months).

Annual reports

The Work Health and Safety Commission (and previously the Commission for Occupational Safety and Health) produces annual reports which present information on its activities in accordance with the requirements of the Work Health and Safety Act (2020).

Strategic plan


Approved codes of practice

Approved guidance notes

Guidance notes provide practical guidance for employers and workers on the management of risks to safety and health risks that may arise in relation to specific hazards. 

Other documents


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