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ETS is smoke from burning tobacco products that is present in the general environment and which people can inhale. It is sometimes called second-hand smoke (SHS). ETS is a complex mixture of particles, vapours and gases. Over 4,000 compounds have been identified in ETS. Sixty of these are known to be carcinogenic.
Examples of toxic chemicals in ETS include:
Research shows that ETS may cause a range of adverse health effects. Some of these are:
As ETS is a complex chemical mixture it has no workplace exposure standard. This makes ETS different from many other chemicals in the workplace. It also makes it more difficult to establish appropriate controls.
Section 19(1) of the WHS Act requires an employer, also known as a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of their workers. As ETS is known to be a health hazard, a PCBU must reduce ETS risks at the workplace so far as reasonably practicable.
Regulation 50D of the WHS regulations prohibit persons smoking in enclosed workplaces, including all areas of an underground mine.
A workplace is an ‘enclosed workplace’ if it has a ceiling or roof and is greater than 50% enclosed by walls, or other vertical structures or coverings. Note: If a workplace does not have a roof or ceiling then it is not an enclosed workplace.
A vehicle meets the definition of an enclosed workplace. Smoking is only permitted if the vehicle is supplied by the person smoking and no other person who is a worker at the same workplace is present.
A person may smoke in their own residence while working as long as no co-workers of the person are present.
PCBUs or those who has management or control of an enclosed workplace must display a notice or sign that smoking is prohibited in the workplace.
Where the workplace is an ‘enclosed public place’, smoking is also regulated by the Tobacco Products Control Regulations 2006 made under the Tobacco Products Control Act 2006. The Department of Health is responsible for the administration of this legislation and environmental health officers attached to local councils undertake enforcement activities.
Smoking is addictive. It's hard to stop, but with help and support, a person can quit smoking.
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