Electrical licensing - Renewals

Renewal applications for electrical licensing.
Last updated:

It is your responsibility to ensure you hold a current licence at all times you are performing regulated work.

Electrical licensing renewal

Courtesy renewal reminder notices are now only sent by email.

Online Renewal

For quicker processing, renew your electrical licence using the department's online system. To use the online system you will need to know your licence number (shown on your licence) and have a mobile telephone number and/or email address on file with the department.

In order for us to safeguard your personal information, you will be sent a one-time security access code by email and/or SMS to access the online system.

If you change your contact information, you must notify the Board within 28 days of the change occurring.

Pay now!(link is external)

Renewal by Post/In Person

If you cannot access the online system, you can submit your renewal by post or in person using the appropriate renewal form: 

By PostIn Person (including payments

Post to:

Licensing Services
Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety
Locked Bag 100

Monday to Friday between 8:30am and 4:30pm                                                          

Customer Service
Level 1, Mason Bird Building
303 Sevenoaks Street

Renewal reminder notices

Courtesy renewal reminder notices for licences, permits and registrations are only sent electronically for the Electrical Licensing Board.

The process for all licence types:

  • three months before expiry, an SMS will be sent to remind you to update your details.
  • two months before expiry, a renewal reminder will be sent to you by email.
  • one month before expiry, a reminder is sent by email.
  • on expiry, a final email will be sent, advising of any late lodgement processes that may apply.

If you would like to continue to receive courtesy reminders for any licences you hold, then you must provide your mobile phone number and email address and keep these details up to date.

You can update your details:

You will no longer receive renewal reminders if you do not provide electronic contact details for your licence, permit or registration. You are reminded that it is your responsibility to ensure your licence is current at all times you are performing regulated work.

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