Application to change partners or directors (Motor vehicles)

Who should complete this application

This form can be used by motor vehicle dealers, repair businesses, car market operators or holders of an Exemption from the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act.
Any proposed changes to the members of a partnership or directors of a company must be provided to the Commissioner for Consumer Protection (the Commissioner) for consideration under the requirements of the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act 1973 and the Motor Vehicle Repairers Act 2003
This form should not be used if you are changing the licensee. Please contact the Licensing Advice Line immediately on 1300 30 40 64 should you wish to change the entity that holds the licence. 
If the licensee is a partnership of two or more individuals and you intend to remove partners that will result in the holder becoming a sole trader, you will not be entitled to renew the current licence, unless additional partner/s are added prior to the next date of renewal. 
The licensee of a dealership or a repair business must continue to have sufficient financial resources to comply with the requirements of the relevant industry. 

What do I need to lodge a complete application

To apply to change an authorised premises you must complete the application form and provide all relevant supporting documentation as follows:

  • Complete all of the relevant sections of the correct application form.
  • Sign the authorisation and declaration section of the form. This applies to all directors/partners or the sole trader.

Should you require assistance with completing the application, please contact the Licensing Branch by telephone on 1300 30 40 64 (within Australia) or email

Electronic communication

Consumer Protection sends courtesy renewal reminders to licensees. These reminders are sent electronically (via sms and email) so it is important that you inform Consumer Protection of your most up to date contact details.

The fees and forms page contains further details about:

  • how to lodge your application;
  • relevant fees; 
  • other licensing forms; and 
  • how to contact us.
Consumer Protection
Form – application
Last updated 14 Aug 2024

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