The financial reporting responsibilities of an incorporated association will depend on the tier that it falls into. The purpose of this system is to minimise the reporting burden for small associations while ensuring that larger associations are accountable for the significant resources they control.
An association’s tier is determined by its annual revenue which is calculated based on the total amount of money received through the association’s activities during a financial year.
The tiers are set as follows:
Revenue is calculated in accordance with the Australian Accounting Standards and is the income that arises in the course of the ordinary activities of an incorporated association before any allowance is made for any relevant tax liabilities.
The following examples are likely to be revenue if they relate to the association’s ordinary activities:
The following is not included in the calculation of revenue:
Sometimes an association’s revenue may increase because of a one off or unusual event and this increase pushes the association into a higher reporting tier. For example the association is awarded funding or receives a particularly large donation. If the association wishes to continue reporting in accordance with its usual tier an application can be made to the Commissioner to be declared as a specific tier for that particular financial year.
This application must be made no later than three months after the end of the financial year and will only be granted if the Commissioner is satisfied that the change in revenue is the result of unusual and non-recurring circumstances.
To understand the reporting requirements of a Tier 1 association you need to know whether the association keeps its accounts on a cash or accrual basis.
Under cash accounting the income is recorded when it is received and the expenses when they are paid.
Using accrual accounting the income is recorded the date it is earned (irrespective of whether the payment is actually received on that date) and the expenses when they are incurred. This method is more common where the association delivers services in return for payment or receives grants to complete particular projects.
The financial statements of an association operating on a cash basis may include a:
An association operating on an accrual basis may prepare a financial statement that includes:
Under the Act a tier 1 association is only required to complete a review or audit of its accounts if:
If the decision to review or audit the accounts is made by a resolution of the members, the requirements of the Act regarding the qualifications, appointment and removal of the reviewer or auditor become applicable.
Where it is a condition of a funding agreement or licence that an audit be completed, the members will need to pass a resolution at a general meeting that an audit be undertaken.
A Tier 2 association is required to prepare an annual financial report that complies with Australian Accounting Standards and contains all of the following:
The committee must pass a resolution declaring whether:
The declaration included in the financial report must specify the date of the committee’s declaration and be signed by at least two authorised committee members.
All Tier 2 associations must have their financial reports reviewed and the review report must be presented to members at each annual general meeting.
A review must be conducted by an independent person who is:
Before the appointed reviewer begins they must provide the committee with a written independence declaration.
The process of reviewing an association’s accounts is not as detailed as completing an audit. A reviewer will look over the report and advise whether anything has come to their attention to suggests that the report does not comply with the requirements of the Act.
In comparison, an auditor must collect evidence relating to the financial records and transactions to satisfy themselves that the report is a true and correct reflection of the association’s finances. This enables them to provide a formal opinion whether the accounts meet the relevant legal requirements.
Under the Act a tier 2 association is only required to audit its accounts if:
Tier 3 associations must prepare an annual financial report in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards that includes:
The Act requires all Tier 3 associations to have their annual financial report audited and a copy of the audit report must be presented to the members at each annual general meeting.
An audit must be conducted by an independent person who holds a current Certificate of Public Practice and is:
The auditor must provide the committee with an independence declaration prior to commencing work on the audit. The audit report must: