Builders’ quality assurance checklists

News story
The Building Commissioner has the function under the building service Acts to audit the conduct and work of registered building service providers.
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The Building Commissioner has the function under the building service Acts to audit the conduct and work of registered building service providers.

Compliance audits are routinely carried out assisting builders to comply with legislative responsibilities and technical issues.  The audit program aims to reduce the number of complaints and provide improved compliancy throughout the industry. 

The data collected in the audits provides valuable information and statistics regarding trends and standards. The Building Commission will endeavour to update the industry on audit findings.

The Building Commission’s inspectors and investigators utilise inspection sheets to assist with the audit process.  These inspection sheets have been converted into two checklists:

These checklists can now assist builders to conduct their own internal audits in the pursuit of compliance requirements and reducing complaints.  However, please note the checklists are not able to cater for every single offence or disciplinary matter and will always be dependent on the nature and type of issues discovered.

The checklists can be found on the Building Commission audits program webpage



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