- Less than a week to go to the 2021 Perth Royal Show
- Western Australians urged to take advantage of 25 per cent discounted ticket price
- Walk-in COVID-19 vaccination clinic to be open all week at Perth Royal Show
- 'Roll up for WA' hub to open with free kids' activities, fun giveaways and much more
Western Australia's biggest family event will kick-off this Saturday (September 25), with discounted tickets, a walk-in COVID-19 vaccination clinic and traditional Show favourites on offer.
The McGowan Government has provided $4 million to support the 2021 Perth Royal Show. This funding has gone towards a range of initiatives, including discounted tickets to help ensure all Western Australians can attend the Show.
Lotterywest has also provided a further $650,000 grant to the Royal Agricultural Society of WA for the 2021 Show to support half-price tickets for kids on Thursday September 30 and for seniors on Friday October 1.
A total of 17,000 free entry tickets will be provided to marginalised and disadvantaged children and families, seniors, people with disability and people from a culturally and linguistically diverse background.
For the first time, all ticket sales for this year's Royal Show are online via the website or the Perth Royal Show app.
There are bags of fun on offer at the Perth Royal Show this year, with 314 showbags up for grabs. Consumer Protection has inspected almost 800 toys from showbags to ensure they comply with Australian safety standards, and to keep children safe.
'Roll up for WA' will be in full swing at this year's Perth Royal Show, with a walk-in vaccination clinic, and an information, education and booking hub.
Medical staff will be available and on hand to answer any questions and talk through the vaccination process.
Free buggy rides will also be available from the 'Roll up for WA' building to Tom Wilding Pavilion to get a vaccination.
A 'Roll up for WA' hub will open from 10am to 7pm all week with free kids' activities, fun giveaways and much more.
For more information, visit http://www.perthroyalshow.com.au
Comments attributed to Premier Mark McGowan:
"It's a testament to all Western Australians that Perth will safely host one of the country's only Royal Agricultural Shows in 2021.
"With my Government's support, the Royal Agricultural Society of WA has brought the Show roaring back to life, providing Western Australian families the opportunity to enjoy this iconic event.
"I encourage all Western Australians to take advantage of discounted tickets to enjoy a day out with family and friends and to support businesses recover from the impacts of COVID-19.
"If you're taking your family to this year's Royal Show and haven't had a chance to get vaccinated yet, this is the perfect opportunity to walk in without an appointment.
"Anyone aged 12 and older can 'Roll up for WA' at this year's Royal Show."
Comments attributed to Agriculture and Food Minister Alannah MacTiernan:
"The Perth Royal Show showcases WA's agricultural industry to a city audience like no other event, and it is fantastic to see the Show back in 2021.
"Exhibits like Farm 2 Food give Perth kids the opportunity to learn about our primary industries - from milking a cow to learning about soils and leaving a thank you message for our farmers."
Comments attributed to Commerce Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson:
"Well done to the Royal Agricultural Society for taking a proactive approach to safety by inviting Consumer Protection to conduct showbag checks and ensure toys and novelty items comply with Australian safety standards.
"While a few issues were identified and are being addressed, it's important for the showbags to get a tick of approval to keep kids safe."
Premier's office - 6552 5000
Agriculture and Food Minister's office - 6552 6200
Commerce Minister's office - 6552 5900